Maintaining a Healthy Workplace During Cold and Flu Season

As fall fades into winter, so too does the risk of cold and flu outbreaks. But don’t worry – maintaining a healthy work environment doesn’t require draconian measures or expensive gadgets. By implementing some simple, effective strategies, you can keep your office (or home office) germ-free and your team productive.



Office Edition

Cleanliness is key

Regularly disinfect high-touch surfaces like doorknobs, keyboards, and shared equipment. Focus on areas with frequent contact to create a barrier against lurking germs.

Stock up on sanitizing supplies

Sanitize & stop the spread

Make hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes readily available throughout the office. Keep these essentials stocked and easily accessible to encourage frequent use.

Hygiene habits rule

Promote frequent handwashing with reminders near sinks and kitchens. Provide touch-free paper towels and trash bins to minimize germ contact.

Breathe easy

Consider air purifiers or upgraded HVAC filters to combat airborne contaminants. Research different options to find solutions that fit your budget and air quality needs.

Space out when possible

While back-to-normal is the current trend, consider rearranging furniture during peak season to allow for more space between workstations. Even a small increase in personal space can make a big difference.

Maintain social distancing where possible

For the Home Office

Clean it like you mean it

Just like a corporate office, your home workspace needs regular cleaning. Dedicate time each week to disinfect your desk, keyboard, and gadgets. Don’t neglect frequently touched items like phones and remotes.

Personalize your protection

Keep personal hand sanitizer within reach. Create a personalized cleaning kit with essential supplies like disinfectant wipes and surface cleaner to keep your home office germ-free.

Ventilation is vital

Open windows for ventilation whenever possible, or consider an air purifier to keep the air clean and improve focus. Fresh air can also help boost your mood and productivity.

Disinfect your devices

Regularly disinfect your phone, tablet, and laptop with electronics-safe wipes to keep them germ-free. Don’t forget to clean keyboards, mice, and other frequently used tech accessories.

Stay home if you’re sick

Stay home if you’re sick

This might be the biggest perk of a home office! If you’re feeling under the weather, isolate yourself to avoid spreading illness to others. This simple step can help protect your family, friends, and even your virtual colleagues.

Remember: A clean workspace is a healthy workspace. By following these simple steps and encouraging healthy habits, you can create a safe and productive environment for everyone, all year round.

Beyond cold and flu season? HiTouch Business Services can help keep your workplace safe and healthy year-round with our innovative facility solutions. Plus, we provide business solutions for all your workplace needs: Office breakroom suppliescorporate printing servicescustom promotional items with your company’s logo and office IT services.

Reach out to us today to le arn more.

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